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For Patients & Caregivers
Have you thought about end-of-life care? Be prepared, comfortable, and secure when the time comes.
What is hospice? Hospice is an end-of-life service provided wherever you call home —whether that’s your house, assisted living, or a nursing home.
Hospice is a form of palliative care designed for end-of-life comfort. Rather than focusing on a cure, hospice centers the quality of life for both you and/or the person you care for.
Are you aware that families are failing victim to deceptive practices in the hospice industry? Hospice fraud occurs when Medicare is falsely billed for any level of hospice care or service. Fraudulent individuals may approach you with offers of free items such as TVs, recliners, groceries, gift cards, cash - in reality, they are taking advantage of your Medicare benefits and fraudulently enrolling you in hospice.

How do I discuss end-of-life care with those important to me? Approach discussions about end-of-life care with empathy, compassion, and sensitivity. Use clear, simple language and ask open-ended questions to encourage sharing of preferences.
Are you clear about the end-of-life services you are being offered? Understanding hospice care is crucial. When electing hospice care, you’ll get a full explanation of services and sign a Hospice Election Statement.
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